A Date With My Dad!

Today, I did something I haven’t done before…..I took myself out on a date with my dad.  Not sure where the idea came from but I think I just wanted to feel closer to my dad. Recently, I have been missing him more and struggling with not having him as my person.  I miss having my time with him and this was the closest thing I could think of to connect with him again. We have enjoyed the city often together and I just wanted to reminiscence through action instead of just memory. This blog is not related to running, but instead to the grief process and a way to continue to remember my father, my best friend.

The first stop was Ghirardelli.  Although a winter tradition, it felt suiting for the first stop.  I strolled down Michigan Ave, shipping on the hot cocoa, remembering all the times my dad and I joined forces to do last minute Christmas shopping.

The second, and probably his favorite Chicago spot, was The Bean.  He spent many weekend mornings reading the newspaper at this unique Chicago landmark.  We  have plenty of artwork including ornaments and jewelry to remind us of his love for the silver sculpture.  Here, I took time just to be in the moment and watch the people around me.  I also spent a little more time reading my current book, “Running with the Buffaloes” about the Colorado University cross country team.

The third stop was the Art Institute of Chicago, a place I have gone several times with my dad.  I have always enjoyed art from an early age and lucky enough to share this with my dad.  At points, I was walking around numb, not paying attention to the art but thinking about my dad, holding in the tears.  Overall, it was great to be able to spend time admiring amazing masterpieces.

The final spot was Bella Bacino’s.  A place we discovered with the best pizza in Chicago.  One not afraid to eat alone, I picked a spot at the bar to enjoy a beer and pizza, reflecting on the day I just had.

I am so glad that I took this day for myself and for my dad.  I highly recommend anyone trying to find direction or meaning in life, to just take a day to yourself.  Take yourself back to places that make you happy or bring back good memories.

This won’t be the last time I take time to have a date with my dad! Until next time dad!

Your lil girl!

A Friday afternoon in the city with my dad

A Friday afternoon in the city

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