Running just to run

Slightly counter-intuitive to the mission of Love for Laces, running with a purpose, today I did just the opposite.  I went out with no mileage in mind, no time, no route.  I went running just to run.

I think too many times I set expectations for my runs that can create the risk for  disappointment if it wasn’t fast enough, long enough or ‘good’ enough.  I think runners at all levels, no matter what you are training for, can benefit from just running to run. Truly enjoying the environment around you and allowing yourself to just be with your thoughts.  And lucky for me, this week I am in Leinfelden, Germany with plenty to explore.

So I went out with sounds of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album streaming through my headphones because let’s be honest, it’s hard not to amp’d up to run with her songs.  By eliminating any pressures for the run, I didn’t mind stopping here and there to take pictures of the beautiful country side.

Of course, with every run, I start to think about my dad.  This time it got me thinking that I would have immediately shared the pictures with him in an attempt to make him envious of the running path I ‘discovered’.  And he, undoubtedly, would have one upped me with one of his runs or a ridiculous experience he had while running in a different country.

In a natural chain of running thoughts and my dad, I got to thinking about the things we started to plan.  Like running the London Marathon together.  It was a race my dad hadn’t done but said we would do together after I finished my first marathon.  Or having him as my coach to train to qualify for a Boston Marathon.  It’s hard to think that those plans now have to be modified.  As I need to find it with in me to train and accomplish what we had said we would always do together.

In just one run, my thoughts wavered between the days I used to share all of my runs and goals with my dad to missing him and all of the plans we had.  However, I am happy and honored that my father was able to share his passion and love for running with me.  It is forever instilled in me and a driving force behind who I am today. Each day his legacy will continue.

A few photos from the path I stumbled upon in Leinfelden!

Leifelden running path          IMG_9545

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