Inspirations in unsuspecting places

Everything happens for a reason and encounters come with a purpose, no matter how small

Many of my blogs come from thoughts running through my head, well, while running.  Other times I find inspiration from songs, soothing I read or memories from my dad.  This time, my inspiration came from an unexpected place, my Über driver, as friendly conversation on the way to the airport, turned in to so much more.

It got me thinking about the random interactions and encounters you can come across in a lifetime.  And if you are aware enough, you just may realize the impact they can have on you.  Even better, you might be the one impacting someone’s life.  I have always believed everything happens for a reason. People walk into (and sometime out) of our lives for a purpose, we sometimes just are moving to fast to realize their impact.

Two years ago, I know I turned to my father for most of my guidance or advice.  Now I cherish these random interactions as little by little they give me powerful inspiration and unique perceptions.  It is as if my father is speaking through others instead.  I just have to search a little harder to hear his guidance.

Although, I will always miss his stories and opinions, wondering what he would say in any given situation.  I appreciate and often look for opportunities for inspiration in unsuspecting places and people.

How often are we missing these opportunities because of our cell phones, unwillingness to talk, or being too busy?  I challenge you to take out your headphones, put down your cell phone, and start talking. Take time and have the patience to realize the power of simple, random encounters  You just never know when or who might be able to give you the advice or perceptive that you need or when someone may just need your words.

*More blogs posts to come inspired by Dion, my Über drive.

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