
When I set out to do a blog-a-day this week I knew I had enough material, as my father taught me so much during his life.  But it is hard to summarize things into just a blog.  I thought about it all day.  What was the most important thing he instilled in me….. and love is the first word that came to me.   My father taught me the importance of love and  I am lucky to have been raised in a household where we said I love you.  For good night, for good bye or just because.

His lifelong love he gave to my mom, his high school sweetheart.  I could only be so lucky to also find that same love in my lifetime.

His love and pure enjoyment that he had for his to grandsons.  He spoiled with his time and presents.  I hope as they get older they can understand the man their grandfather was. 

His love and continued support for his children.  Although he traveled and worked hard (so we could do everything we did), he made efforts to make it to the important games and events we had throughout school. My siblings are beyond fortunate to be able to call him our father. 

His love for his friends.  He was always there for them, for life and running.  The scene from his service was touching, as we saw only a glimpse of how many lives he touched. 

Even his love for his dog is something I fondly remember.  We had three dogs throughout the last 20 years.  And each one had a special relationship with my dad. 

Looking back, I probably took some of those “I love you’s” for guaranteed.  However, I have acknowledge how important it really was.  As each day, I now look to my wrist where I have “I Love you” in my dad’s handwriting tattooed on my arm.  And when I read it, I can hear his voice.


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