Making promises, not resolutions

(Written on Feb 11th, 2016)

Today at yoga, the instructor mentioned surrendering and it made me think of my 2016 promise to myself. That instead of resolutions that often are forgotten by March, I would instead make a promise.  In 2016, I promise to make positive life changes each and everyday and more importantly, make space for the new year by leaving behind 2015.

In one of my last yoga sessions of 2015, the focus was about releasing.  As we cannot make room for things we deserve and need, if we hold onto the past or negative/non-serving emotions.  I know I am a culprit of not letting go so this really hit home.  So in 2016, I will honor releasing things that no longer serve purpose in order to make room for those things that bring light and positivity to my life.

And reflecting back, even only 6 weeks into the new year, I am embracing it.  As I left more than I ever have before in the past making room for what will help me grow as a person. That included heartbreak, lose, frustration, memories and even expectations.  In return, I made room to be extremely happy in a new home that I own and an even deeper passion for work, friends, family, yoga and running.

Each day provides an opportunity to make a change.  I don’t need to wait until 2017 for new resolutions or some sort of ‘rock-bottom’ situation to change.  Instead, at night I put to bed what happened that day, good or bad, positive or negative, and am thankful for each contribution.  And in the morning, I start again.  With the ability to alter anything I didn’t like from the day or week before and keep the positive elements even closer.

Each day is another opportunity to live out a life that I am proud of and that I know my dad would be proud of.



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