My Inspiration

About Russell B. Dahl

My father was a runner, a coach, a husband, a father and a friend. It was not just my life he left a lasting impact on, he is missed dearly by teammates, colleagues, clients, family and friends.

Life was not easy street for my dad.  He worked very hard to make something of his life.  I recall him telling me his one hope was to give a better life to us, his children, than the one he had. And I am forever grateful and appreciative for that.

He was a humble man from humble beginnings.  Known for getting into trouble, it was running that straightened his life out, ultimately leading him to lifelong friends and my mother, his high school sweetheart.

Running was a passion for my father.  He not only ran into his late fifties but stayed very involved in his high school program and even coached at my high school.  He was a common fixture at Fenton High School Early Bird races and track meets.  It was only suiting that we set up a scholarship in his name for runners at his alma mater.

Memories from his teammates 

“I think it was somewhere around 1971 that I noticed Russ started referring to himself by his last name (“The Dahl”).  But it didn’t stop there, it started spilling over to other people – including Russ’ wife Julie.  One year, as we topped observation hill, I hear Julie shout “Go Dahl.” I almost had to stop for laughing to hard.  I really miss “The Dahl,” but stores like this keep him alive.  It was my pleasure to have run with him for these 45 years.”

“From a running perspective, I will always remember Russ as a leader.  I am sure those alumni from the early 70’s will remember Russ showing up with his Radio Shack AM headphones with its huge antenna, running the hallways of Fenton listening to WLS and WCFL.  It didn’t take the rest of us long to follow Russ’ lead as we were all soon wearing the same headphones.  Russ was not only the first Fenton runner to listen to music while running… but probably one of the first in the entire country.  Thanks for showing us the way in everything you did.  We miss you, Russ”

“It’s hard for me to put into words how much I miss Russ!  He was a great friend that always wen out of his way to there for me and so many others.  It seems like everything that I do, I say to myself, ” I remember when Russ was here…. Russ was a mentor to me, a good friend, a teammate and I’m sure he had a lot to do with me being a coach today.  Russ was everyone’s friend, a coach, a team mate but most of all a great Dad, grandfather and husband.  He will be missed but never forgotten!! Thanks Russ!”

For more information about the Russell B. Dahl Love for Laces Scholarship, visit DuPage Foundation.